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New posts in phonegap-build

PhoneGap build error "plugin unsupported: ..."

HTML5 audio not playing in PhoneGap App (Possible to use Media?)

How do you force a landscape orientation for mobile apps built with cordova-cli?

Auto hiding Splashscreen with Phonegap Build

Building an iOS signing key for PhoneGap in Windows

Phonegap 2.9.0 doesn't open external links in default browser

AngularJS 2 and Cordova: "Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND"

Phonegap - Android How to adjust layout in Full Screen Mode when softkeyboard is visible

Disable zoom buttons in Phonegap's inappbrowser

Facebook Connect plugin using Phonegap Build

Cordova iOS Video tag Local File Source

Viewport meta tag not working phonegap

PhoneGap build iOS xcworkspace instead of xcodeproj

How to load and import a CSS/JS file from the phone in phonegap?