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How to share connection pool between modules in node.js?

pg nodejs package results in 'invalid input syntax for type json'

Pass array to function - PG and NodeJS

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Prepared Statements Already Exists

PG::ERROR: another command is already in progress

Error Compiling Postgres pg gem on Ubuntu 12.04 [duplicate]

Postgres - inserting a varchar array via SQL

'Token "-" is invalid' when inserting into PostgreSQL server via Rails and pg gem

Find values greater than using hstore and rails

Receiving the error PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column mymodels.distance does not exist when using Geocoder's near method

Copying DB to new production env using dokku pg-plugin

Upsert in Postgres using node.js

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pg gem fails to install on omnibus Chef installation

Why does bundle ignore "gem 'pg'"? [closed]

Possible backup corruption using pg_dump only with compress parameter?

Problems installing the pg gem with rvm, postgres 9.0, ruby 1.9.2-p136 on 64 bit Snow Leopard

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pg.connect not a function?

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Installing pg gem; ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension

insert statement in postgres for data type timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,

postgresql pg