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New posts in rails-geocoder

Receiving the error PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column mymodels.distance does not exist when using Geocoder's near method

In Rails, should I use the generators?

How does Rails Geocoder Gem access Google API?

Using Geocoder, is there a way to save out the street name, city and zip to seperate columns?

How do I setup geocoder with google_premier?

Can Ruby Geocoder return just the street name on reverse_geocode calls?

Geocoder rails, check if valid

Disable Geocode in Test environment

Using Meta Search or Ransack with Geocoder

Geocoder distance method doesn't exist

How do I order the results of rails geocoder gem by something other than distance

Rails Geocoder Testing with rspec

Using geocoder on a child association, how to find all parents in a given location?

Testing with geocoder gem

Using the geocoder gem for rails, how do i get the visitor's city?

Does Geocoder gem work with google API key?