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Multi-process builds in Visual Studio 2010: Worth it?

Optimizing MySql query to avoid using "Using filesort"

Anyone Know a Great Sparse One Dimensional Array Library in Python?

Are there any cases where LINQ's .Where() will be faster than O(N)?

linq performance big-o

Find first unset bit in buffer (optimization)

Why does the performance drop that much when my Erlang TCP proxy gets many concurrent requests?

android, object oriented programing vs designing for performance

Implement taking a website offline?

Is code interpreted at every call in Web2Py?

Does GWT serialize java.lang.Longs efficiently?

Choosing between set<int> vs. vector<bool> vs. vector<boolean_t> to use as a bitmap (bitset / bit array)

c++ performance

AS3 try catch is heavy?

benchmark a piece of code independent of CPU performance?

How does Python handle memory?

python performance memory

Will an IO blocked process show 100% CPU utilization in 'top' output?

linux performance io cpu

Cost of a new .Net Process

.net performance memory clr

SQL Server 2008 Partitioned Table and Parallelism

Using MATLAB to calculate offset between successive images

preferred way to update sqlite db in android

Is Multiplication Faster Than Comparison in .NET?

c# .net performance