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Fast alternative to java.nio.charset.Charset.decode(..)/encode(..)

How can I test if my web application could handle heavy traffic?

What's the fastest way to load big image on iPhone?

How do I speed up Nant Builds?

how to use scala internals to compile source faster than fsc (fast scala compiler)

scala tdd performance

How efficient is Python substring extraction?

Improving the performance of an nHibernate Data Access Layer

how to profile silverlight mvvm application with a lot of custom controls

Searching with Linq

Silverlight combobox performance issue

silverlight performance

How can JVM implementations like Jython and JRuby beat their native counterparts?

What versions of java are slow for gc logging?

Web site performance - what is it about? Readability and ignorance Vs. Performance

performance web

Is there a way to compare two lists of dicts in python efficiently?

PHP is very slow when printing a large amount of information

php performance printing

Pros and cons of using sqlite3 vs custom table implementation

python performance sqlite

What is the fastest way to 302 a link to it's final URL?

What should be the order of filters in query to optimize queries to use Indexing

When or for what Reasons should folks turn PHP Safemode ON/OFF?

php performance safe-mode

In C, will working with global variables help the stack?

c performance