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New posts in password-protection

How to password protect pdf programmatically in .NET?

How can a database username and password be stored securely in a web.config file when using Entity Framework

Shell script password security of command-line parameters

How to mask excel macro code

PHP - hash_pbkdf2 function

Making A Secure Login

VBA - Check if a workbook is protected before open it

how to password protect downloadable pdf files in website

Encrypt password before storing in database?

hashing user password for client / server application

Can someone steal a password from a Java application?

java password-protection

My applications need to send emails, where and how should I store the SMTP password?

Cronjob with password protected site (.htaccess)

Does ASP.NET use SHA256 or SHA1?

Methods for encrypting an archive in C++

Is this byte array a password-protected PDF document?

What does spawn ,expect and send command in linux/unix

Cakephp Password Protection with htaccess and htpasswd - howto?

Sheet protection: UserInterFaceOnly gone

Hashing Passwords With ASP.NET MVC 3