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Run two different Rails application on one dedicated server

apache says my DocumentRoot directory doesn't exist

Passenger: internal server error

ruby sinatra passenger

Recurring tasks in a Ruby On Rails application: Cron or other?

How do I setup ssl on a rails 4 app? (nginx + passenger)

Recommendations (and Differences) between different Ruby on Rails Production Web Servers

How do I configure `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` with rails, nginx and passenger?

why did gitlab 6 switch back to unicorn?

403 Forbidden on Rails app w/ Nginx, Passenger

sinatra config.ru: what is the configure block for?

"413 Request Entity Too Large" Error Rails 3.2 Passenger Phusion

Phusion passenger-status: what value for passenger_instance_registry_dir?

Nginx/Passenger/Rails, where to set RAILS_ENV?

Passenger installation with nginx fails

Is a system-wide install of RVM a bad idea? [closed]

Setting the Ruby on Rails application environment using Capistrano on Phusion Passenger

Nginx unknown directive for passenger_root

nginx passenger

Sidekiq worker not getting triggered

We're sorry, but something went wrong. - with Rails, Apache, Passenger

How do I set up a Sinatra app under Apache with Passenger?