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New posts in parser-generator

Who is faster: PEG or GLR?

parsing recursive structures in scala

Parser Generator for Objective C?

ANTLR : no viable alternative error

antlr parser-generator

Multiple flex/bison parsers

How can I parse code to build a compiler in Java?

Suppress certain Haskell Alex/Happy compilation messages

Source of parsers for programming languages?

Online resources for writing a parser-generator

parsing parser-generator lr

What parser generator does CPython use?

ANTLR Parser with manual lexer

What is wrong with this ParseKit BNF?

Are there any free parser generators that generate C++ code and handle Unicode correctly?

Using external type declarations with OCamlyacc

Build parser from grammar at runtime

Language parser library written in PHP

How do I parse indents and dedents with pyparsing?

Parser Generators and Ragel... Making my own D Parser

d parser-generator ragel

Any BNF IDE with test features

PEG and whitespace/comments

parser-generator peg