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New posts in happy

GHC can't infer unlifted kind

haskell types happy polykinds

What's the %% for in Happy?

Grammar ambiguity: why? (problem is: "(a)" vs "(a-z)")

parsing haskell grammar happy

Building GHC: configure fails on happy despite successful cabal install

haskell ghc cabal happy

How to build Abstract Syntax Trees from grammar specification in Haskell?

"cabal install happy" causes memory overflow. (GHC 7.8.2)

haskell ghc cabal happy oeis

Happy Context-Dependent Operator Precedence

parsing haskell happy

Suppress certain Haskell Alex/Happy compilation messages

How do Happy and Alex bootstrap themselves into being?

JS: regex for numbers and spaces?

Overriding "Internal Happy Error" - notHappyAtAll

How to use an Alex monadic lexer with Happy?

haskell monads happy alex

Are there any tutorials on building a simple interpreter using Alex + Happy?

Using alex/happy with Cabal

haskell cabal happy alex

How can I make Stack call Happy, Alex and other build tools?

haskell happy haskell-stack

Parsec or happy (with alex) or uu-parsinglib

cabal-install does not retain the version for happy

haskell cabal-install happy

What is the advantage of using a parser generator like happy as opposed to using parser combinators?