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New posts in pagemethods

Returning complex types (multiple Lists) to client side using jquery.ajax

jQuery Ajax call very slow in IE, but instant in Firefox

request.querystring not found in static method

PageMethods is not defined

Receiving dynamic object in PageMethod from Javascript

ASP.NET AJAX PageMethods call load whole page for .NET 4.5 IIS 7.5

PageMethods with ASP.Net MVC

Content getting swapped for multiple sessions users in asp.net website

PageMethods and UpdatePanel

window.location change fails AJAX call

Getting Exception Details from ASP.NET PageMethods on the Client SIde

How to pass int values to ASP.NET page methods from jQuery?

asp.net jquery pagemethods

How can we pass multiple parameters to onSuccess method of PageMethod?

updatepanel vs page methods

Access ASP.NET control from static [WebMethod] (JS ajax call)

PageMethods returning undefined result?

c# asp.net pagemethods

Calling asp.net page method from javascript not working

Pagemethods in asp.net

Pagemethods in popuppanel does not load the second time in IE9

ASP.NET page methods vs web service