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jQuery Ajax call very slow in IE, but instant in Firefox

I am performing a jQuery .ajax() call that returns a List<string> of IP addresses on a specified subnet. I use a [WebMethod] on an .aspx page to return the values. ASP.NET's built-in JSON serializer does the magic to return the actual JSON used in my Javascript.

I have profiled the the server-side time, and it takes about 8 msec to populate and return the list, so the server-side code is not the issue.

However, when the Ajax call is initiated, in Internet Explorer it can take upwards of 3 seconds to populate a listbox with a small list of IP addresses returned. In Firefox, the listbox is essentially populated instantly.

I'm not entirely certain where the bottleneck could be. My best guess is that the fault lies with IE6's javascript engine, but even so, adding only 255 list items should not take this much time.

Can anyone point me in the right direction as to why this is happening?

Example Code

          type: "POST",
          url: $("Example.aspx/GetIPsOnNetwork",
          data: "{NetworkID: " + networkID + "}",
          contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
          dataType: "json",
          success: function(data) {
            // Loop through each IP address and add it to the listbox
            $.each(data.d, function(){
                var ip = this.toString();
                $(document.createElement('option')).attr('value', ip).text(ip).appendTo('#ipAddresses');
          error: function(msg) {
            alert('Error: ' + msg);
like image 999
John Rasch Avatar asked Jan 24 '23 17:01

John Rasch

2 Answers

It could be a rendering issue. try this

      success: function(data) {
        // Loop through each IP address and add it to the listbox
        var list = $("<select />");
        $.each(data.d, function(){
            var ip = this.toString();
            list.append($('<option />').val(ip).text(ip));

Basically, what you're doing is loading the options into a dummy list, then you're adding the contents to the ipAddresses list.

The other thing that I changed was the document.createElement(...). If you look at the internals of $('<option />') it performs the createElement for you.

Finally I choose to append the data to the list instead of calling option.appendTo('#ipAddress'), which would have to find the ipAddress element every time.

like image 158
bendewey Avatar answered Jan 26 '23 07:01


I suspect it might be a difference in speed of creating the option elements in IE and adding each one by one to the DOM.

On this line

$(document.createElement('option')).attr('value', ip).text(ip).appendTo('#ipAddresses');

You could try

var optionArray = [];
for (var i= 0; i < this.length; i++)
      optionArray[i] = $('<option>').val(ip).text(ip);

or this (data.d is an object, right?)

var optionArray = [];
var i = 0;
$.each(data.d, function(key, value)
      optionArray[i++] = $('<option>').val(value).text(value);

You might find this article on jQuery's append() useful

like image 42
Russ Cam Avatar answered Jan 26 '23 06:01

Russ Cam