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New posts in packages

In an Atom package, how do I style patterns in a grammar?

R - where should I place RDA file - /R, /data, /inst/extdata?

r packages

What is the purpose of `__metaclass__ = type`?

Adding Java packages to GWT

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How do I add the --trusted-host in pycharm package install?

python pycharm packages

cannot refer to unexported name m.β

unicode go packages package

How to un-merge Android Studio Packages

Can two different apps have the same packageName?

android package packages

What is the best practice for putting classes under package names in Android

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android studio folders inside packages

What is the difference between android.opengl and javax.microedition.khronos.opengles packages?

Python pip - install documentation for packages?

python pip packages

PLS-00123: program too large (Diana nodes) while trying to compile a package

Python project and package directories layout

python packages

scala: can't import object from root scope

scala import packages package

Define Classes in Packages

python class module packages

What is the correct package name for gcc in cygwin?

Trouble installing nloptr package on R 3.3.0

r packages nlopt

Locate source code from pip install packages in Ubuntu

What magic in "our" or "use vars" satisfies "use strict qw(vars)"?