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Julia: create a package with optional dependencies

dependencies package julia

Jupyter Notebook ModuleError after Homebrew Upgrade

Multiple Java projects and refactoring

Dynamically manage two jar files with the same package and class names

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Java package for eigenvector/eigenvalues computation?

How to fix bpl loading issue in Delphi XE while opening a project?

delphi package delphi-xe bpl

Install R packages in archive

r package installation

unexpected inheritance of slot (values) using errors

Getting Resources from another package

android resources package

caret train rf model - inexplicably long execution

What are the various differences in package systems between CL implementations?

common-lisp package symbols

How can a package hierarchy contain another package class

java package

Laravel package reading package config file and not published config file

php laravel config package

using R package 'effects' in R version 3.4.4

r package version effects

What is the best way to change the package name of an Android project?

Perl Module Creation - Undefined subroutine

perl module package

Is it mandatory that a folder by the name of a package should be present for creating a package?

perl package

Delphi "E2161 Error: RLINK32: Error opening file ________.drf " during Build All

Using Pragma in Oracle Package Body

oracle plsql package pragma

Creating an R package for windows

windows r package