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Creating an R package for windows





I created an R package on Linux (and it is working on Linux), but I can't make the same package work on Windows.

What I tried to do (maybe it was a bit foolish) was to convert the tar.gz into a Zip file and to install it from the R GUI.

However, when I load the package library("myPackage") then I get the following message:

  Error in library("myPackage") :
     there is no package called 'myPackage'

Should I try to build the package directly from Windows with the R tools?

like image 846
SRKX Avatar asked Dec 22 '22 02:12


1 Answers

To build an R package on Windows, download the tools at
and follow the instructions at

like image 92
Rob Hyndman Avatar answered Dec 24 '22 15:12

Rob Hyndman