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New posts in owin

How to keep user login in to system and logout only after user clicks on logout button?

How do I access Microsoft.Owin.Security.xyz OnAuthenticated context AddClaims values?

Validating Google OpenID Connect JWT ID Token

c# .net owin jwt openid-connect

A middleware should always invoke the next?

c# owin asp.net-core

SignalR, Owin and exception handling

asp.net signalr owin

Owin auth - how to get IP address of client requesting the auth token

c# .net authentication owin

Hangfire Dashboard Authorization Config Not working

c# asp.net-mvc owin hangfire

Manually decode OAuth bearer token in c#

Simple Injector fails to inject per Web API request registered class during Owin startup

OWIN middleware for OpenID Connect - Code flow ( Flow type - AuthorizationCode) documentation?

Get expire time of OAuth session

c# oauth owin asp.net-web-api2

UseExternalSignInCookie is not a member of Owin.IAppBuilder

vb.net asp.net-mvc-5 owin

OwinStartup not Starting ... Why?

ASP.NET Identity: Update external claims after authorization

Does SignInAsAuthenticationType allow me to get an OAuth token without overwriting existing claims?

Owin SelfHost WebApi - client closing the connection during response raises an exception?

c# .net asp.net-web-api owin

Authenticating requests to Microsoft.Owin.Testing.TestServer

authentication owin

Run self-hosted OWIN application in Azure Web Apps

Can I enable tracing in OWIN?

asp.net-mvc owin trace

Getting Current OwinContext without using HttpContext

c# asp.net owin