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Disposing Microsoft.Owin.Hosting.WebApp throws 'System.ObjectDisposedException'

.net wpf signalr owin

Authorization for Static Files in ASP.NET MVC w/ Owin

Web Api 2 HttpContext or HttpActionContext

Replace IExceptionHandler in Web Api 2.2 with OWIN middleware exception handler

Share default OWIN tokens in .Net core

IdentityServer Login with external provider not working for long login_hint or acr_values

Get the Route Template from IOwinContext

How do I get the user's email when using Microsoft Account Authentication in an MVC project?

c# asp.net-mvc oauth owin

Unable to run an asp.net 4.5 app on xsp on Mono 3

asp.net mono xsp owin katana

OWIN - Customizing UserManager

c# asp.net-mvc owin

HttpRequestMessage/StreamContent, empty Stream on server side

c# asp.net owin

asp.net mvc azure AAD authentication infinite loop

c# asp.net asp.net-mvc owin adal

Has anyone actually got ASP.NET MVC 5 Identity Facebook logins to work out of the box? (loginInfo always returns null)

ASP.NET Classic OWIN StartUp ConfigureServices not called

asp.net owin

ASP .Net VNext and Owin

OAuth bearer token not working

Return image from web api controller action while authenticated

Web API OWIN startup exception handling

ASP.NET Web Api with Role based authorization

c# asp.net owin

Keep using cookies for authentication in Web API with OWIN and app.UseWebApi