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Is it possible to establish an association in Doctrine2 without target entity at hand?

grails - inheritance in domain class - inherited columns into base tables

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PHP Database writing performance PDO VS ORM

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JPA Child Class Referenced By Multiple Different Parent Classes

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Hibernate performing too many queries

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Storing currencies with Coldfusion Orm

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Usage of @Basic(optional = false) in writing entity class

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ClassCastException when primarykey is short in greendao

How to use different datasources in a Query using cakephp3?

SQLAlchemy get items from the identity map not only by primary key

Django related_name not found

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Duplicate "id" column with DBFlow tables and Stetho

Peewee : How to update specific fields?

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Beego ORM MySQL: default addr for network '...' unknown

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Generating database tables from object definitions

How to generate BlToolkit model

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Hibernate JPA one-to-one saving child class entity

How to specify SQL comments through JPA annotations?

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Persist HashMap in ORMLite

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Lightweight ORM for SQLite [closed]

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