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Duplicate "id" column with DBFlow tables and Stetho

I'm writing an application for Android using DBFlow as ORM library. So, here is one of my tables model:

@Table(database = Database.class)
public class Language extends BaseModel {
    @PrimaryKey(autoincrement = true)
    long id;

    String key;

    String title;

    public long getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(long id) {
        this.id = id;

    /* .. Other setters and getters .. */

Everything works pretty good, but when I take a look at my DB inspector (I'm using Stetho), I can see 2 identical "id" column:

Its a little bit embarrassing and redundantly.. Isn't it? Is it OK, and what is the cause of this behavior? And if it is not OK, how can I do it right?

like image 632
tehcpu Avatar asked Feb 04 '23 13:02


1 Answers

So, looks like its Stetho-side feature/bug (according this issue). Just ignore it in production.

like image 149
tehcpu Avatar answered Feb 07 '23 12:02
