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New posts in orientation

iphone device orientation

Android SensorManager.java getOrientation and getRotationMatrix algorithm

Render JCombobox to the right problem

MPVolumeView route list is supporting all orientations and ignoring underlying view controller

IllegalArgumentException while rotating device in Live Wallpaper picker Android 3.0

Preserving the state of ActivityGroup's child activities on screen rotation [duplicate]

iScroll does not work in android unless you do a orientation change and back

iPhone App on iPad not responding to touch at first start

Get UINavigationBar landscape height while device is in portrait

how to get a video file's orientation in Python

iOS ViewController doesn't layout properly after orientation change

Is Android's CameraInfo.orientation correctly documented? Incorrectly implemented?

android camera orientation

UIWindow endDisablingInterfaceAutorotationAnimated: error

Summary: Take a picture utilizing Camera Intent and display the photo with correct orientation (works on hopefully all devices)