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New posts in optimization

Why do object literals in javascript save unnecessary DOM references?

Profiling scala for loops using hprof

scala optimization hprof

Intel Compiler versus GCC

Find the lowest combination of XOR

math optimization

Compare arrays of objects, optimal way

Attribute fields vs. attribute-value map

Solver Foundation Optimization - 1D Bin Packing

c# optimization

How to efficiently gather data from threads in CUDA?

optimization cuda gpu gpgpu

maximum of a polynomial

Optimize Oracle order by query

Can't achieve 60fps rendering simple quad, Android, Opengl ES 2.0

Optimize self join on millions of rows

Why does a deployed Meteor site take so long to load?

Is pitched memory allocation more efficient with two-dimensional arrays?

c optimization cuda

Getting rid of overdraw in a ListView with per-item backgrounds

Efficient Way to do batch import XMI in Enterprise Architect

Using binary indexed trees for a RMQ extension

Does Java JIT compile bytecode deterministically - same optimizations for every run on the same machine?

SciPy optimization with grouped bounds

Can async functions be inlined?