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New posts in hprof

Why doesn't the -baseline option of jhat work?

java profiling hprof jhat

Android: Memory Analyzer eclipse plugin(1.1) doesn't launch automatically when pressing ddms "hprof dump"

android memory analyzer hprof

Android: Opening .hprof file In Eclipse

android eclipse memory hprof

Where is the heap dump file created by jcmd?

java hprof jcmd

OutOfMemoryError - how to kill the JVM after the hprof created

java jvm out-of-memory sun hprof

Java profiling: java.lang.Object.hashCode takes half of the CPU time but never explictly called

Why can't I get an HPROF dump from certain devices?

android hprof

jvisualvm: Stuck on “Loading Heap Dump...” screen

Profiling scala for loops using hprof

scala optimization hprof

Meaning of icons in HPROF Viewer in Android Studio

-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError not creating hprof file in OOM

java hprof

OQL syntax for counting objects matching criteria

java hprof oql eclipse-mat

Android Studio heap snapshot analyzer - what does "Dominating size" represent?

Can I compare hprof/jmap dumps with VisualVM?

java profiling visualvm hprof

Starting the Java HPROF profiler on-the-fly programmatically

java profiler hprof

Huge byte[] in my app after HPROF

Why would I want to find "Duplicate Strings" with HPROF Viewer and Analyzer?

android hprof files in project src

Is it possible to view threads from hprof dump / threads in heap dump