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New posts in operator-overloading

Clarification on smart pointer's operator* and operator-> overloading

Return an empty set with "return std::set<int>()" - why does it run?

understanding operator lookup; which compiler is correct?

C++ template, ambiguous overload

Why has Haskell troubles resolving "overloaded" operators?

Templatize enum class operators

Where is Perl's default object-to-string conversion defined?

perl operator-overloading

Check whether an operator is overloaded in C++ [closed]

Overload << operator to change " " to "\n"

Overload operator[] in std::array

Easiest way to print timestamp to ostream

Why can't a Visual C++ interface contain operators?

Overloading new, delete in C++

c++ operator-overloading

g++ "declaration of "operator<<" as non-function"

Does operator overloading exist in Java?

java operator-overloading

C++ arithmetic operator overloading—automatic widening?

Simple overloading of operator= not working

why do subscript operators C++ often comes in pair?

Why Lua has the `<=` opcode and metamethod?

Asterisk symbol in Python