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New posts in operator-overloading

Inheritance of operator()

In R, how to get the whole command line into the sys.call() of a binary operator?

Is it considered good design to compare objects of different types?

c++ operator-overloading

Is it possible to overwrite str's % behaviour using __rmod__?

Is there a way to overload the index assignment operator?

rust operator-overloading

`operator delete` with size parameter and without size parameter: which one is chosen when both are available?

Can an operator be overloaded as a class method in python?

overload subscript operator does not return pointer

STL priority queue and overloading with pointers

Slicing and operator overloading in C++

What could the use of the operator keyword in c++ mean here?

Friend template function declared inside template class causing undefined symbol link error

How to control value assigned by operator []

Binary operator overloading on a templated class

implementing a C++ postfix increment operator

How to Generically Define Insertion Operators for all C++ IOStream Manipulators?

Is this an acceptable use of the comma operator?

c++ operator-overloading

Ruby method for +=

ruby operator-overloading

Operator Overloading in Delphi

c++ abstract base class postfix operator