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"Error in addWorksheet(wb, "sheet1") : First argument must be a Workbook"

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Filter data highlighted in Excel by cell fill color using openxlsx

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Read and write a xlsm file using exceljs package npm

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openxlsx currency style - Is there a rounding option?

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Reading a password-protected xlsx-file into R without installing Java (password is known)

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How to download workbook via downloadHandler on Shiny?

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openxlsx format cells as number with comma and decimal places

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Multiple styles() applied to the same row with package openxlsx

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How to apply thick border around a cell range using the `openxlsx` package in R

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How to detect TIME when reading from an excel sheet using R

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Read multiple xlsx files with multiple sheets into one R data frame

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Automatically - "Convert numbers stored as text to numbers"

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Encoding issue with write.xlsx (openxlsx)

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Cannot insert plot into XLSX via openxlsx package when using command line

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Use R and Openxlsx to output a list of dataframes as worksheets in a single Excel file

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