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New posts in opencv3.1

Caffe+GPU+Opencv3.1+Python3.5+Anaconda:fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory

Why can't I import opencv3 even though the package is installed?

How to process an image with OpenCV onPictureTaken?

android opencv opencv3.1

SFM module for OpenCV on Windows

"OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH environment variable was not specified" when installing OpenCV 3.2 with opencv_contib

How to load SVM data from file in OpenCV 3.1?

python svm opencv3.1

Advantage of using a CUDA Stream

OpenCV 3 Python - Haar Cascade Upper Body Detector doesn't work on a half body (waist up) photo?

Unable to pass IplImage class as arguments

ClassNotFoundException: android.hardware.camera2.CameraAccessException with OpenCV 3.1.0

How to calibrate camera focal length, translation and rotation given four points?

c++ opencv opencv3.1

Image loses quality with cv2.warpPerspective

OpenCV lines/ruler detection

Error installing OpenCV on Ubuntu 16.04

Cannot install openCV 3.1.0 with python3. CMAKE not including or linking python correctly

Error in installing opencv3 with homebrew and python3