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New posts in opencv3.0

Color Correction Matrix in LAB Color Space - OpenCV

What is the purpose of ACCESS_FAST in OpenCV 3.0?

c++ opencv opencv3.0

Python: Print only one time inside a loop

python loops opencv3.0

Save float array to image (with EXR format)

How to extract a specific section of an image using OpenCV in Python?

ImportError: dynamic module does not define module export function (PyInit_cv2)

ipython opencv3.0

Finding contours of a two-part letter

Cant make opencv work on heroku

How to merge a lot of square images via OpenCV?

opencv opencv3.0

cv::Mat.refcount Missing in OpenCV 3.0

Frame from video is upside down after extracting

openCV 3.0.0 cv::vector missing

c++ opencv opencv3.0

Opencv: Hough lines not showing

How to get a color palette from an image using OpenCV [closed]

OCR on text stamped into metal plate

OpenCV 3 Python - Haar Cascade Upper Body Detector doesn't work on a half body (waist up) photo?

setting parameters of openCV tracking API in python

Unable to pass IplImage class as arguments