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New posts in opencv3.0

OpenCV 3 KNN implementation

c++ opencv knn opencv3.0

Is there a cheatsheet for OpenCV 3? what are key differences in v3?

opencv opencv3.0

Fastest way to apply color matrix to RGB image using OpenCV 3.0?

OpenCV 3 error 'CV_FOURCC': identifier not found

c++ windows opencv3.0

python opencv matchTemplate is mask feature implemented?

python opencv opencv3.0

How to specify a color using Scalar class

c++ opencv opencv3.0

Opencv, DSO missing from command line collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

c++ opencv opencv3.0

AttributeError: module 'cv2.cv2' has no attribute 'CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR'

python opencv3.0

What is correct Native Library Path to use OpenCV in eclipse-ubuntu

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "../../lib/libopencv_core.so" not found

Cannot find python libraries for CMake in Opencv3.0.0

OpenCV contour minimum dimension location in python

How to know if an OpenCV 3.0 algorithm has an OpenCL implementation in the transparent API

How to extract relevant information from receipt

Python 2.7 and Opencv 3.0.0 cvtColor not working for BGR/RGB conversions

Resize HOG feature for Scikit-Learn classifier

CMake finding incorrect version of OpenCV

macos cmake opencv3.0