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C and OOP need a little bit of clarification [closed]

java c oop procedural

How can I call __missing__ from dict

Creating a Temperature class which supports different units (Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin)

c# .net oop temperature

Why is it considered bad practice to hardcode the name of a class inside that class's methods?

python oop

PHP child class cannot implement same interface parent class implements

Correct signature for template class method that returns its own type

Find max nested list count

java oop collections java-8

Python: How to initialise a OOP List with some values already known?

python oop

Composition and generics

java oop generics composition

Customized sort on list of objects

How can I avoid duplicate code with the same method body but different return types in Java?

Why we are using _ prefix in some cases to define instance variables in ruby?

ruby oop

data access object pattern implementation

c++ design-patterns oop

A good way to make classes for more complex playing card types than those found in a standard deck?

PHP: array_map on object?

php oop

Access modifier best practice in C# vs Java

c# java oop access-modifiers

Minimal API v. Convenience

Why would you make a whole class sealed/final?

How to use a class constant into a class attribute in PHP?

Best PHP Mail class [closed]

php oop class email