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New posts in onunload

Strategies for preserving form data ( on tab/browser close )

confirm before onbeforeunload

Detecting browsers that don't support onunload/onbeforeunload

JS onunload event won't always work

How to trigger onunload event when removing iframe ?


Javascript onload and onunload

Rails 3 form helper to prevent user from navigating away and losing changes?

Can I pop up a confirmation dialog when the user is closing the window in Safari/Chrome?

Don't have time to send get request on window unload

cross-browser Onunload and Onbeforeunload ? (particularly opera 11)

Best way to detect browser closing/navigation to other page and do logout

javascript gwt logout onunload

OnUnload message needed for external links

javascript message onunload

Are JavaScript event listeners cleaned up automatically?

Capturing result of window.onbeforeunload confirmation dialog

Win8.1 will fire unload and load event to the WPF application when we close and reconnect to this machine using RDC from win7 or other OS

How to block pop-up coming from iframe?

DOM Window unload event, is it reliable?