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New posts in onbeforeunload

How to prevent window.onbeforeunload event being triggered by button and links events

javascript onbeforeunload

Why IE10 fires beforeunload event when clicking on anchor element with javascript href and how to prevent it

Angular8 IFrame before beforeunload event

Strategies for preserving form data ( on tab/browser close )

Check if user hits back button in browser

How to access JavaScript href event that triggered beforeunload

Is there anyway to prevent onbeforeunload event from triggering when using Internet Explorer

window.onbeforeunload, but for a frame?

Safari stays "loading" when window.onbeforeunload returns false

confirm before onbeforeunload

Ajax inside onbeforeunload is not working the first time

Prevent onbeforeunload alert using jquery in Firefox and IE

How to ensure code is always called before page unload

Cordova/Phonegap - Does beforeunload work or any alternatives?

Detecting browsers that don't support onunload/onbeforeunload

IE9 onbeforeunload called twice when window.location changed in button event... minimal reproduction

AngularJS window.onbeforeunload in one controller is being triggered on another controller

angularjs onbeforeunload

Javascript detect closing popup loaded with another domain

$(window).unload is not firing

jquery onbeforeunload