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New posts in ones-complement

Just started learning C this semester, but I can't seem to understand what the professor wants from us in this question

What is the proper way to construct a BigInteger from an implied unsigned hexadecimal string?

Why Kotlin considers negative zero less than positive zero

kotlin ones-complement

Do Unisys latest mainframe systems still use ones' complement representations?

What's the difference between (size_t)-1 and ~0?

c unsigned ones-complement

Finding 1's complement

java ones-complement

When are bitwise operations undefined in C? [duplicate]

Behaviour of negative zero on a one's complement architecture?

Why does the negative of Integer.MIN_VALUE give the same value? [duplicate]

From hexadecimal to one's complement in Python

Detect one's or two's complement architecture in C++?

Can bitwise operators have undefined behavior?

How to detect encodings on signed integers in C?