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New posts in oh-my-zsh

How to solve zsh compinit: insecure directories issue on MacOS (other solutions failed)

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HISTIGNORE not working in zsh

zsh oh-my-zsh zshrc

How to change the prompt in oh my zsh and add hostname to it?

my zsh prompt is not bold

zsh prompt oh-my-zsh zshrc

RVM showing Ruby version in ZSH

zsh oh-my-zsh zshrc

Why are Font Awesome characters not rendered or replaced on my terminal shell?

Getting oh-my-zsh 'history' to display command date and time


Terminal Git tracking vs VS Code git tracking is not in sync

How to use tab to generate a list of possible entries in my folder?

bash zsh oh-my-zsh

Bind delete key in vi mode

zsh oh-my-zsh

zshrc alias gets executed when launching a new terminal

zshrc oh-my-zsh

Zsh + tmux + oh-my-zsh: Autocomplete produces remnant characters

zsh tmux oh-my-zsh

writing own oh-my-zsh plugin

plugins zsh oh-my-zsh

complete command's parameters with oh-my-zsh

Zsh show fail every time when I open my terminal

macos shell zsh oh-my-zsh

In Terminal.app, option+arrow keys no longer move by word

macos terminal zsh oh-my-zsh

Color issues with zsh in wsl

How to customise Oh My ZSH within a Spacemacs shell?

Git tab completion stopped working on remote branches