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how to install kubectl autocompletion plugin for zsh?

Define oh my zsh aliases per folder

linux shell unix zsh oh-my-zsh

Why do I have to alias bower when I use zsh with oh-my-zsh

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zsh: permission denied: bin/rake

How to force filename completion under oh-my-zsh?

How to improve load time of zsh in babun on windows?

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zsh autocompletion not working: _get_comp_words_by_ref:16: bad substitution

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What is the correct setup for Brew + Zsh + Oh My Zsh on multiple admin users on Mac OS X?

Is it possible to use Django bash completion in zsh

django bash zsh oh-my-zsh

Hitting tab in Zsh eats above lines

zsh oh-my-zsh

ubuntu 14.04 apt/aptitude autocompletion with oh-my-zsh not working

Terminal (zsh) command not found for global npm installs

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Fixed line on top of zsh in terminal

How do I change `stty intr` to another key combination in order to use ^c for zsh vi-mode?

terminal zsh oh-my-zsh

Modify oh my zsh default command prompt to have complete path for current directory

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theme_precmd:1: vcs_info: function definition file not found For Oh-my-zsh

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RVM + Zsh "RVM is not a function, selecting rubies with 'rvm use ...' will not work"

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Why do you need to source .zshrc for every new shell in iTerm?

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Tmux will not stop auto-renaming windows

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