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New posts in octal

How to work with leading zeros in integers

ruby string integer octal

Java int division confusing me

java int division octal

09 is not recognized where as 9 is recognized [duplicate]

java integer octal

how to set value of octal in java?

java octal

how to avoid python numeric literals beginning with "0" being treated as octal?

python octal pep

Why do PHP and JavaScript have problems dealing with octal and hexadecimal numbers?

php javascript casting hex octal

int variable with leading zero?

php int octal

What are octal numbers (base 8) used for?

java literals octal

Value too great for base (error token is "0925")

bash ubuntu octal

Can I customize syntax highlighting in Eclipse to show octal literals differently?

Python: Invalid Token

python octal

Scala 2.10 - Octal escape is deprecated - how to do octal idiomatically now?

scala scala-2.10 idioms octal

Why are leading zeroes used to represent octal numbers?

In what situations is octal base used?

language-agnostic octal

Invalid Token when using Octal numbers

python syntax python-3.x octal

Is 0 an octal or a decimal in C? [duplicate]

What are the Java semantics of an escaped number in a character literal, e.g. '\15' ?

How do I work around JavaScript's parseInt octal behavior?

javascript integer octal

Is 0 a decimal literal or an octal literal?

c++ zero octal