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Type inference fails horribly when omitting argument label on a function call

How do I compare string in Ocaml

string ocaml

why use module type in Ocaml?

How to include a signature in an extended module?


How do I read this OCaml type signature?

Suggestion for solving fragile pattern matching

Print Value to File


Makefile for installing an OCaml library

makefile debian ocaml

Writing a list append function in OCaml

list ocaml

Converting OCaml to F#: Converting OCaml quotation add and quotation expander to F#

f# ocaml

using Unix functions in OCaml source

unix ocaml

Bindings and introspection for OCaml library

binding ocaml idl

How to write a pattern match in Ocaml so it is easy to scale?

Find at least one element that exists in all three lists in OCaml

Does the OCaml compiler support true module aliasing?


How can I map OCaml bytecode to its original source code location?

Using Batteries in .mly file with ocamlbuild

Does OCaml have fusion laws

what is OCaml's "ground coercion"?

types ocaml

OCaml functions passing in one less argument