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New posts in ocamlbuild

How to traverse typed abstract syntax tree in OCaml compiler

Oasis build configuration with subdirectories

ocaml ocamlbuild

oasis picks up wrong ocamlbuild

Using Batteries in .mly file with ocamlbuild

Using "ocamlfind" to make the OCaml compiler and toplevel find (project specific) libraries

ocaml ocamlbuild ocamlfind

Weird thing of Array.create in OCaml

ocaml ocamlbuild

Linking a library via ocamlbuild/ocamlfind

What's the purpose of _tags file with OCaml, and how to interpret the contents?

ocaml ocamlbuild

OCamlbuild and camlp4 options

ocaml ocamlbuild camlp4

Telling ocamlbuild to use Core

ocaml ocamlbuild

How can the ocamlfind/ocamlbuild toolchain be used with project-local copies of packages?

Order of linked libraries in ocamlbuild

linker ocaml ocamlbuild

How to pass -S flag to ocamlopt with ocamlbuild?

ocaml ocamlbuild

Basic Oasis or Opam file for a simple OCaml project

ocaml ocamlbuild opam oasis

How to make OCamlbuild compile and link a C file into an OCaml project?

c ocaml ocamlbuild

Using external libraries with ocamlbuild

makefile ocaml ocamlbuild

Can I produce native executables with OCamlBuild which can run in computers which don't have OCaml libraries?

ocaml ocamlbuild

Generate dump/explain files of Menhir when using ocamlbuild

ocaml ocamlbuild menhir

How to use Jane Street's Core with Reason?

ocaml ocamlbuild reason

How to use -thread compiler flag with ocamlbuild?

ocaml ocamlbuild