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New posts in objective-c

Stuck with a signal SIGABRT error

ios objective-c

clang compiler produces different object files from same sources

objective-c ubuntu gcc clang

How do you detect touches in a CCScene on Cocos2D V3?

Error when drawing a UIBezierPath. No current point

ios objective-c

Unknown type name 'class' when mixing Objective-C and C++

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How to add custom controls in Interface Builder (Xcode)

SKLabelNode positioning not working as expected

NSKeyedUnarchiver incomprehensible archive

ios iphone objective-c ipad

ARC semantic issue "multiple methods named 'setRotation' " while archiving only

Draggable UIView stops posting touchesBegan after being added to UIScrollView

Flip layout on iPhone for RTL languages

Pass BOOL value

ios objective-c boolean getter

What happens if we don't check for "if (self)" in init methods? [duplicate]

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Possible to have NSString with two font sizes

ios objective-c nsstring

Error 1012 when using SSL in AFNetworking 2.0

Instagram - How to follow the user using API in Objective C

ios objective-c instagram

MoarFonts broken in Xcode 5.1.1

How can I remove Gesture recognizer in Xcode?

objective-c xcode

Can't JSExport an Objective-C Method With More Than One Parameter?

How do I disable property auto-synthesis of properties in Xcode 5?

ios objective-c xcode macos llvm