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New posts in objective-c-blocks

Can a subclass add parameters in a block in a parameter in an inherited method?

Concurrent programming in OpenCL vs Grand Central Dispatch

Block didn’t capture self in typeof,why?

Can I call [self retain] within -dealloc? Or, how do I ensure dealloc happens on the main thread?

Cancel block in UIView animateWithDuration

What's the harm of retain self in block?(Objective-C, GCD)

Creating the loop using GCD

Find out how many arguments a block needs

one vs. two completion blocks

Return Result of Completion Block

How can I create a wrapper to use blocks for a class that uses callbacks?

Is `typeof(self) self = weakSelf` construction legitimate inside block?

How to know when a for loop with NSURLSessionDataTasks is complete

Clarification in Obj C Blocks

Should I set block reference to nil AFTER execution?

ARC: EXC_BAD_ACCESS when calling a method from inside a block, inside a delegate method

How can I use [NSAlert beginSheetModalForWindow:completionhandler:] on older versions of OS X

Are blocks passed by reference or by value from one call on stack to another?

How to store this Objective-C block inside a Swift variable?

Difference between methods and blocks in Objective-C