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New posts in objective-c-blocks

Best practice to declare Objective-C blocks as variable

Block automatic retaining, does it affect even to ivars in self?

How to update UI in a task completion block?

Using a block as TargetAction in Objective-C

Why does it make sense to duplicate pointers in order to solve block-based retain-cycles under ARC?

Executing Code Block In Place Of @selector

Copy an instance variable into an Objective-C Block

block_copy when to use

What is the meaning of the ^ character in the Objective-C code? [duplicate]

Error: CONNECTION INTERRUPTED in Xcode running on Device

Mulithreading: executing method calls only after finished executing other method

Assigning block pointers: differences between Objective-C vs C++ classes

How do you return from a block in Objective C

Call a completion block from a delegate method

Objective-C: Should we use weak self within block or assign weak self to strong before using it?

Why does the assignment of an objc block have to be 'copy', not 'assign'?

Copying blocks - copying captured variables of primitive types

How to get the correct autocomplete in XCode for a block variable?

If I have a for loop that uses Obj-C blocks, how can I identify the last iteration?

didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken is not called up in ios 9