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New posts in nsurlconnection

Simpliest solution to check if File exists on a webserver. (Swift)

swift nsurlconnection

How can I send multiple url request from a NSURLConnection delegate?

Default timeout seconds for AFNetworking?

Swift wait until dataTaskWithRequest has finished to call the return [duplicate]

Receiving SSL error in iOS7 GM - "AddTrust External CA Root" is not trusted?

ios ssl nsurlconnection ios7

Send an http delete request

NSURLConnection IOS 3G issue

The joys of realtime gif decoding

NSURLConnection works perfectly in iOS 4.3 but not in iOS 5 / iOS 6

How to get resumeData at UIApplicationWillTerminateNotification in NSURLSessionDownloadTask

NSURLConnection timing out on iOS8

How to get a complete request from a NSURLRequest?

Best way to measure download speed on iPhone using cocoa touch

NSURLConnection : JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set

How to make an progress bar for an NSURLConnection when downloading a file?