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"Whole word" search in a NSString through NSPredicate

convert base64 decoded NSData to NSString

How to decode / convert a base64 string to NSData?

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NSString stringWithFormat is slow

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Problems with converting a CGPoint to a string

loop through array of dictionaries to find a value

How to fix long NSString crash?

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How do I get word wrap information with the new iOS 7 APIs?

Accessing a contact detail in iOS using swift

Why is my sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode: always returning zero?

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Fastest way to get array of NSRange objects for all uppercase letters in an NSString?

How to put a character limit on a UITextField

Remove Part of an NSString and copy it into another NSString

Replace letters in a string

Dynamically format a float in a NSString

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How do I draw an NSString at an angle?

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IOS Method Calling

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stringValue of NSDictionary objectForKey runtime error

Remove Duplicate Objects From NSMutableArray object property? [duplicate]