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New posts in nsrunloop

Objective-C: How does code in main thread and its runloop interact?

NSURLConnection with NSRunLoopCommonModes

What happens to my NSRunLoop and timer when the app goes into background and returns?

Should a NSTimer always be added into a runloop to execute

ios nstimer nsrunloop

Order of operations in runloop on iOS

iOS, NSURLConnection: Delegate Callbacks on Different Thread?

Xamarin Android: Keep control with Alert Dialog until a button is clicked

Timer in another thread in Objective - C

scheduleInRunLoop - threading network connections

Is calling -[NSRunLoop runUntilDate:] a good idea?

NSTimer not firing when NSMenu is open in Swift

What is the correct way of setting the current thread NSRunLoop to run in a certain mode until I decide to stop it?

ios uiscrollview nsrunloop

iOS5 crashes during runMode:beforeDate:

Stop an NSRunLoop

How to wait in NSThread until some event occur in iOS?

Performing selector at beginning / end of run loop

PerformSelector After delay doesn't run in background mode - iPhone

how to stop a timer triggered runloop?

How can I remove UIApplicationMain from an iPhone application?

What is the best way to poll data periodically from server when app is active in iOS in a separate thread?

iphone ios nsrunloop