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New posts in nsoperation

NSOperation: addsubview in the main thread and slowness

NSOperationQueue waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished not working while in background

Pass data from NSOperation to next NSOperation


Copying pending changes between NSManagedObjectContexts with shared persistent store?

Do NSOperations and their completionBlocks run concurrently?

Is it safe to set NetworkActivityIndicatorVisible value in secondary thread?

Core Data and NSOperation

iOS: What happens if I execute a background job and then leave the view controller?

Keep running NSOperationQueue when app goes to background

NSAutoreleasePool. When is it appropriate to create a new autorelease pool?

Which one is easier to use? GCD or NSOperation?

Magical Record background save seems to be blocking UI

Is it safe to enumerate through [NSOperationQueue operations]?

Demystify NSOperation: concurrent vs non-concurrent and async pattern

ViewController type name not recognized in one class, but it is in another?

How to subclass NSOperation in Swift to queue SKAction objects for serial execution?

Problems Queuing Concurrent & Non-Concurrent NSOperations

NSOperation VS GCD for Core-Data

Why does NSOperationQueue on iPhone OS 3.1 hold on to long-cancelled (and released) operations?

Best way to deal with a change in internet connection with HTTP networking