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New posts in nsnotificationcenter

How To set Custom repeat interval For Nslocal Notification.....?

Get Notification of NSStatusItem frame change?

How to send an enum value in a notification in Swift?

ios notifications to "dead" objects

UIKeyboard Suggestions height for iOS 8 notification?

Broadcast data to multiple widgets in Flutter

Communication between Model and Controller - iOS

NSNotificationCenter removeObserver: in dealloc and thread-safety

iOS8 + UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification not getting called

Can I watch an NSNotification from another class?

removeObserver not working

Avoid losing notifications sent by a widget because of a spash screen or wrong controller active

How to handle a system alert message for iOS?

NSNotificationCenter is calling multiple times

Use IBAction from UIButton inside custom cell in main view controller

How write unit test for receiving nsnotification asynchronous?

Why does EAAccessoryDidConnectNotification occur twice?

Registering to receive notifications of remote CloudKit changes not working

Where to addObserver to NSNotificationcenter in a custom UITableViewCell?

NSMetaDataQuery never calls back with NSMetadataQueryDidFinishGatheringNotification