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New posts in nsmutableurlrequest

"dataTaskWithRequest" requests the NSMutableRequest twice when only one request is required

Send an http delete request

NSURLSession cache does not work in iOS8

NSMutableUrlRequest eats plus signs

NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1012 The operation couldn’t be completed

Setting time out for NSMutableURLRequest to custom time [duplicate]

Network requests are failing - NSURLSession - App Sandbox - Xcode 9

Set an NSDictionary in HTTPBody and send using POST method

AFNetworking stopped working under iOS 6

How to remove headers in a NSMutableURLRequest?

How to append something like ?id=1 to a NSMutableURLRequest

Sending a POST request from Cocoa to Tumblr

Request to web service over SSL

When does -copy return a mutable object?

Losing cookies in WKWebView

Difference between setting an NSMutableURLRequest header and adding one

NSURLSessionDataTask timeout subsequent requests failing