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New posts in nsfetchedresultscontroller

CoreData: Fetch and sort results in the order they were created, without using a timestamp

Get indexPath of Core Data object in UITableView

how to loop through nsfetchedresultcontroller

Using FetchedResultsController and ManagedObjectContext in multiple view controllers

Updating fetchedResultsController for predicate set by UISearchBar

how we can search all records using NSPredicate rather than setting fetchController nil?

NSFetchedResultsController delegate methods not firing after mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification

NSFetchedResultsController misses updates on merged NSManagedObjectContext

iOS - MagicalRecord / AFNetworking / NSFetchedResultsController - background resyncing process causes perpetual hang

App suddenly crashes every launch from a "You have illegally mutated the NSFetchedResultsController's fetch request" but solution is unnerving

Core Data sectionNameKeyPath with Relationship Attribute Performance Issue

iOS / Core Data - How can I change sectionNameKeyPath of a NSFetchedResultsController?

how to group by day with core data?

How do I reorder tableview rows using fetchedresultscontroller in swift?

MVVM CoreData FetchedReusltsController

Sort NSFetchedResultsController results by user location

Multiple NSFetchedResultControllers for different entities?

Using NSFetchedResultsController to with UISearchBar

Do I manually need to save the managedObjectContext for NSFetchedResultsController if I change some attribute?

how to refresh fetchedResultsController after persistent store change