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iOS9 What is the proper way to update AFNetworking calls to work with HTTPS (error -1200 , -9824)?

NSLog, NSError, bad access

NSError: Does using nil to detect Error actually turn off error reporting?

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[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:]: object cannot be nil - how determine where is the error?

How to use RecoverableError to retry?

Less verbose way to log errors in Objective-C

CKError localizedDescription

Why does [[NSError alloc] init]; in Xcode throw an error?

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Best way to handle errors from async closures in Swift 2?

Why would Error always be NSError?

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NSError localizedDescription always returns english error message

ios iphone ipad nserror

Obj-C: NSError in initialiser

objective-c init nserror

Check NSError code in swift

swift core-motion nserror

ErrorType in swift - how do I get an error code out?

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iOS 10, call directory extension not debugged

Use of unresolved identifier when using StoreKit constants with iOS 9.3/Xcode 7.3

why is "error:&error" used here (objective-c)

Is it a good practice to extend NSError

ios objective-c nserror

how to get the message in NSLocalizedDescription in iOS?

ios7 nserror

Update NSError UserInfo