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New posts in nsdate

How to convert the Date String with time zone to NSDate

iphone objective-c nsdate

Different result for [NSDate date] in several devices

NSCalendarUnit flag to set all flags

Fetch records between two dates using core data ios swift

divide fetched results NSDate into sections for each single day use core data

How can I change a label with a date once the system date changes in iOS?

objective-c ios uilabel nsdate

Cannot assign a value of type 'NSDate' to a value of type 'String?'

ios string swift nsdate

Whither NSDate dateByAddingTimeInterval on iPhone OS?

iphone datetime nsdate

[NSCFString timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]: unrecognized selector sent to instance

set nsdate format for iphone

How to not lose '0' digits when using NSDateComponents.(iphone)

NSDate - Setting a future date

how to get hour with date format

Apple Swift: how to get current seconds in 1/100 or 1/1000?

ios swift nsdate nscalendar

Swift 4 : Set Different Date and Time

Simplest way to loop between two NSDates on iPhone?

Programmatically getting the date "next Sunday at 5PM"

objective-c ios nsdate

Weekday of first day of month

Comparing certain components of NSDate?

iphone comparison nsdate

How I can get the NSDate of yesterday

ios nsdate