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New posts in nsdatecomponents

Iterating over a year to get each days NSDate object in Swift

swift user notifications: why is nextTriggerDate nil?

Setting NSDateComponents results in incorrect NSDate

What's the correct way to store a time interval in Core Data?

NSDate, NSCalendar and NSDateComponents timing

format a NSDate to DDMMYYYY?

Trying to use NSDate for time only

NSDateComponents week component of this last week of the year

iphone ios nsdatecomponents

NSCalendar dateFromComponents returns wrong date by 2

NSDate behaviour when saving to plist

Calculating the end of a month, or its last second

Is the starting day of the week stored in NSLocale somewhere?

iPhone - get number of days between two dates

I want to get a quarter value in NSDateComponents class

NSCalendarUnit flag to set all flags

Swift 4 : Set Different Date and Time

Weekday of first day of month

Why NSCalendar's dateFromComponents returns wrong date?

In Objective-C, to get the current hour and minute as integers, we need to use NSDateComponents and NSCalendar?

When does dateByAddingComponents:toDate:options return nil?