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New posts in nsdatecomponents

How to create a specific date in the distant past, the BC era

How do I subtract a duration from an NSDate, but not include the weekends?

NSDateComponents week is working differently on iOS8

What is NSEraCalendarUnit?

Swift DateComponentsFormatter drop leading zeroes but keep at least one digit in Minutes place

How to determine day, month, and year as int in iOS

Given year & month, how to check a particular day exists in that month

Swift 2.0, validation on DatePicker maximum Date

NSTime: Why [NSDateComponent date] returns nil here?

How to add a number of weeks to an NSDate?

Rounding of NSdate to nearest hour in iOS

NSDateComponents: difference between weekOfYear and weekOfMonth

Get first day in a month from NSCalendar

In NSDateComponents, how do you know if it's AM or PM?

Adding year component to islamic calendar fails

What are the iOS 8.0+ NSCalendarUnits?

How to set repeat frequency in User Notification [duplicate]

NSDateComponentsFormatter's stringFromDate(_, toDate:) returns nil

NSDateComponents to NSDate - Swift

NSDateComponentsFormatter stringFromTimeInterval returns incorrect string for intervals shorter than 1 minute